Sunday, June 20, 2021

Antelope png

 Png Image of antelope


 About antelope
As well as cattle, sheep, goats, and deer, bovids also include giraffes, sheep, lambs, and goats from the Old World. The pronghorn of North America is commonly called an antelope, even though it is an ungulate.

According to estimates, there are 91 species of bovids, the majority of which are found in Africa. However, it has not yet been determined whether Bovidae members belong to tribes and subfamilies.

As they have such a large territory to cover, Dinki-Dikis usually form small herds of two to four females, and a single male, while other mammals form smaller herds of two to four females and one male, especially in large forests.

The females of these large antelopes usually form large herds, breeding alone, sometimes aggressively excluding males.

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