Thursday, May 27, 2021

Cherry fruits png

 5 png images of cherry fruit

Cherry png images download free

Some information about cherry

Cherries are the fruits produced by many plants of the genus Prunus, and they are fleshy drupes.

'Cherry' is also the name given to both the tree and its wood, and can be applied to both almonds and a variety of flowering trees in the genus Prunus, such as an "ornamental cherry" or "cherry blossom".Cherry species outside cultivation may be referred to as wild cherry, but Prunus avium is often specifically referred to as "wild cherry" in the British Isles.

8% of raw sweet cherries are water, 16% are carbohydrates, 1% is protein, and negligible are fats. Sweet cherries contain little nutrient content per 100 g serving, as they contain only dietary fiber and vitamin C in moderate amounts, while other vitamins and dietary minerals provide less than 10% of the Daily Value (DV).

Raw sour cherries are about 20x more nutritious than sweet cherries in terms of vitamin C (12%) and vitamin A (8%). Their beta-carotene content is particularly high.
1. Single cherry png

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2. Cherry fruits png

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3. Cherry fruit

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4. Cherry heart png

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5. Transparent cherry

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